Setting up a virtual development environment for OCP agent
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Do you need to read this?

Perhaps the most important question you should be asking yourself right now is if you really need to follow the steps in this blog post. I can help you answering this a little bit, if you:

  1. Want to develop a custom hook for your specific dci-openshift-agent (d-o-a) setup or
  2. Identified a bug and the patch to fix it or
  3. Want to add a core feature to the agent or
  4. Just want to know more!

Then feel free to continue reading :)


All examples throughout this blog post assume we're working with RHEL/CentOS 8 Stream

What does it mean to have a development environment?

A development environment in this case refers to a complete setup where you can test your DCI OCP agent changes, this means a jumpbox and a System Under Test (SUT)

Let's face it, not everyone has an extra rack with 4 (minimum) servers laying around just to be used. If you do then great (I am a bit jealous even) but if you're like me, then you have at most one extra (albeit beefy) server where you can start tinkering with the DCI OCP agent.

For an everyday solution we created what we call an OCP on LibVirt setup which means you have your entire cluster emulated in a single server. Your jumpbox, your SUT, your mirrors, all of it, it can be done in a single machine.

What do you need to start?

The requirements are simple, you need:

  1. A server with a minimum of 200Gb disk and 64G of RAM
  2. RHEL 8 (CentOS 8 Stream works just as well)
  3. An SSH connection

That's all. Of course there are fancier ways to work on this but I will show you the most basic ways to test your libvirt environment and then you can go and explore on your own.

The process

I am going to explain what the rough process to get a libvirt environment is, then at the very end I will point you in the direction of an experimental (at the time of this post) script to automate it all

The base operating system

As mentioned before, you need a server with RHEL/CentOS 8. Make sure your system has all updates installed and it's got an active subscription in the case of RHEL.

Make sure you have enough space (around 200G for an IPI install) in the partition holding your data, by default it is /opt but it can be customized

Install Ansible 2.9 because currently the OCP agent is not compatible with 2.12. If you are using CentOS want to install the centos-release-ansible-29-1-2 package first, then install ansible-2.9.27. I like to lock the version of ansible to avoid issues on future system updates, example:

sudo dnf install centos-release-ansible-29-1-2
sudo dnf install 'dnf-command(versionlock)'
sudo dnf update
sudo dnf install ansible-2.9.27
sudo dnf versionlock ansible

Finally, install libvirt and all other packages needed:

sudo dnf install libvirt \
    libvirt-daemon-kvm \
    libvirt-client \
    virt-install \
    libvirt-python3 \
    python3-netaddr \

One last piece is to enable nested KVM, but this is actually done by one of the playbooks you have to run down in the "Creating your virtual SUT" section. If you're curious how that is done, it's something like this:

grep -q GenuineIntel /proc/cpuinfo && PROC=intel || PROC=amd
echo "options kvm-$PROC nested=1" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/kvm_nested.conf
echo "options kvm-$PROC enable_shadow_vmcs=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/kvm_nested.conf
echo "options kvm-$PROC enable_apicv=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/kvm_nested.conf
echo "options kvm-$PROC ept=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/kvm_nested.conf
sudo modprobe -r kvm_$PROC
sudo modprobe -a kvm_$PROC

Setting up DCI

The next step is to install the DCI repo and the required packages, easy enough to do if you download the appropriate dci-release package from the DCI repo at and then installing the dci-openshift-agent package:

sudo dnf install -y
sudo dnf update
sudo dnf -y install dci-openshift-agent

This creates a dci-openshift-agent user in your system, which should be the owner for all directories and processes that drive the OCP agent. As such, you should install your public key(s) under ~dci-openshift-agent/.ssh/authorized_keys so you are able to login directly.

This also creates a directory /etc/dci-openshift-agent which houses your DCI remote authentication credentials. You can download your remote CI authentication credentials as per the official documentation and once you have them, add them to your /etc/dci-openshift-agent/ file.

The last step to configure DCI is to edit your /etc/dci-openshift-agent/settings.yml file to suit your needs e.g. changing the topic you want to test

Creating your virtual SUT

A SUT (System Under Test) in this case is composed of a provision host plus a mixed OCP control/data plane with 3 nodes, for a total of 4 VMs.

We have a playbook that will take care of that for you, it is located in samples/ocp_on_libvirt/libvirt_up.yml under the dci-openshift-agent user home dir, and you can execute it from your jumbox now that you have installed ansible, like so:

sudo -i -u dci-openshift-agent
cd ~/samples/ocp_on_libvirt
ansible-playbook -v libvirt_up.yml

This takes a little while, but at the end of the run you should be able to check there are indeed 4 VMs running with sudo virsh list --all

This also creates a file ~dci-openshift-agent/samples/ocp_on_libvirt/hosts templated out from your SUT definition. You have to copy that file to /etc/dci-openshift-agent/hosts. This file should work as-is assuming a connected environment, you can edit this inventory to suit your needs e.g. creating a disconnected cluster and etc.


Along with the libvirt_up.yml playbook there is a second libvirt_destroy.yml playbook which you can use to re-create your virtual SUT, should you need to.

Running the agent

Once you have all the pieces in place, you can run the agent in two ways:

  1. Using the packaged /usr/bin/dci-openshift-agent binary. This will use the stock/release codebase
  2. Manually running via ansible-playbook if e.g. you're running from a local clone of the dci-openshift-agent codebase

For point #1 above there's not much to say, but let's say you're developing something with the OCP agent, you want to test that out and of course the released code doesn't have it. In such cases you need a copy of the codebase in an editable place and then you can run your changes like this:

source /etc/dci-openshift-agent/  # this exports the DCI credentials
cd /path/to/your/local/clone
ansible-playbook dci-openshift-agent.yml -e @/etc/dci-openshift-agent/settings.yml -v

And done, you can iterate as many times as you want now.

Cheat code

I have explained roughly the overall process to get you up and running, and you may be asking yourself "well, this should all be in a playbook somewhere" which you are 100% correct and, good news! It already is!

You may have noticed a suspicious samples/ocp_on_libvirt/ocp-on-libvirt.yml playbook. This performs all the steps I have explained automatically. It is experimental as of yet and prone to changes in the near future, but if you want to try your luck here's what you can do:

  1. Create a ~/.ocp-agent.yml file containing the following variables:
  2. dci_client_id: use DCI_CLIENT_ID from your remote CI credentials
  3. dci_api_secret: use DCI_API_SECRET from your remote CI credentials
  4. rhn_user: If your lab is RHEL, you need this to automatically subscribe
  5. rhn_pass: If your lab is RHEL, you need this to automatically subscribe
  6. github_user: To add your public keys to the agent's authorized keys list
  7. Create an inventory file (or edit the default /etc/ansible/hosts) and add an entry for your lab
  8. Execute the playbook. The playbook itself is executable thanks to the magic of shebangs and bash, so you can just samples/ocp_on_libvirt/ocp-on-libvirt.yml myhost or you can take a look at the shebang to figure out the proper call to execute it.

After this, you should end up with a system ready to execute the OCP agent.

Closing thoughts

Developing for/with OCP is not easy; we at DCI aim to make it as easy as possible to tighten the development->testing->release feedback loop, but there is and always will be room to improve. So feel free to get in touch with us if you see something not-quite-right or you have any questions, don't hesitate!