Upgrading to OCP 4.12? Watch Out for Deprecated API in Your OpenShift Applications
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Overview of API Deprecation in OCP-4.12

Kubernetes and OCP both use the same API versioning scheme: alpha, beta, and GA (generally available).

Kubernetes v1.25 and OCP-4.12 started a massive API deprecation. The tricky part is that many "mostly stable" v1beta1 and v2beta1 versions have been deprecated. This requires more attention from the maintainers of large applications. Your workload may survive many migrations and then suddenly break on OCP-4.12, as it happened with our test application example-cnf.

Workload Errors: "Not Found" as a Marker of Deprecated API

A deprecated API can be hidden in either the deployment manifest or in a Kubernetes-native application that uses a Kubernetes client. In the deployment manifest, the deprecated API may be specified as follows:

    apiVersion: events.k8s.io/v1beta1
    kind: Event
      name: my-event
      namespace: default

In a Kubernetes-native application that uses a Kubernetes client, the deprecated API may be used as follows:

    from kubernetes import client
    events_api = client.EventsV1beta1Api()

Using a deprecated API can cause the application to break in a way that is often difficult to debug. The only error message you may see is an unclear "Not Found" message in the pod logs:

    Exception on creating Event: (404)
    Reason: Not Found

To avoid the workload to break and cause pain while debugging, you can anticipate API deprecation and speak with your dev team in advance about starting the migration.

Use OCP Console to Detect APIs that Will Be Removed

Identifying APIs To Be Removed

OpenShift provides a metadata API called apirequestcounts that tracks the requests made to an API.

    $ oc get apirequestcounts | head -5
    NAME                                                                       REMOVEDINRELEASE   REQUESTSINCURRENTHOUR   REQUESTSINLAST24H
    alertmanagerconfigs.v1alpha1.monitoring.coreos.com                                            17                      279
    alertmanagers.v1.monitoring.coreos.com                                                        168                     1318
    apirequestcounts.v1.apiserver.openshift.io                                                    0                       153190
    apiservers.v1.config.openshift.io                                                             119                     1013

By using -o yaml, we can obtain more detailed information about every API:

    $ oc get apirequestcount endpointslices.v1beta1.discovery.k8s.io -o yaml
    apiVersion: apiserver.openshift.io/v1
    kind: APIRequestCount
      name: endpointslices.v1beta1.discovery.k8s.io
      -- snip --
      numberOfUsersToReport: 10
      -- snip --
      -- snip --
      removedInRelease: "1.25"
      requestCount: 115

The most interesting fields are the API name, the Kubernetes release in which it will be removed, and the overall request count. Below, we only display APIs that are to be deprecated by requiring the presence of the .status.removedInRelease field:

    $ oc get apirequestcounts -o json \
    | jq -r '.items[] \
    | select(.status.removedInRelease!=null) \
    | [.metadata.name, .status.removedInRelease, .status.requestCount]'

    -- snip --

Identifying Which Workloads Use To-Be-Removed APIs

The next step is to identify the workload that uses the APIs to be deprecated. For that, the apirequestcount displays detailed information in the byUser sections, providing both userAgent and username:

    $ oc get apirequestcount endpointslices.v1beta1.discovery.k8s.io -o yaml
    -- snip --
    - byUser:
      - byVerb:
        - requestCount: 14
          verb: watch
        requestCount: 14
        userAgent: pilot-discovery/1.11.8-am4
        username: system:serviceaccount:istio-system:istiod
      - byVerb:
        - requestCount: 7
          verb: watch
        requestCount: 7
        userAgent: master-0/ovnkube@6cfa168d3ed2
        username: system:serviceaccount:openshift-ovn-kubernetes:ovn-kubernetes-controller

For large workloads, you may have hundreds of such sections. To build a nice overview for the developpement team, you could use some advanced bash or jq-filtering. Alternatively, you could use DCI to install your workload and automatically get a CSV containing all the information about the to-be-deprecated APIs at every run.

Use DCI to List APIs That Will Be Deprecated

DCI stands for Distributed CI. It is a great CI tool written in Ansible that can help you deploy OCP clusters with multiple installers, automate the deployment of your plugins and workloads, and run various tests. If you have never used DCI before, please check out this top-notch post on how to start with DCI pipelines, to run OCP installation, workload installation, and tests in a pipeline. Here we are going to focus on the information about the deprecated APIs that DCI job for the workload installation could provide automatically, without any required actions on your side.

soon_to_be_deprecated Fig. 1. DCI dumps soon-to-be-deprecated APIs before and after workload.

The logic is to dump oc get apirequestcount for the soon-to-be deprecated APIs before and after the workload installation, creating two files: apirequestcounts.before.json and apirequestcounts.after.json. DCI uses these two files to compare the request count for every API, distinguishing OCP-related and workload-related to-be-deprecated APIs. DCI excludes the API whose request count did not change during the workload installation and tests. This approach is not always precise but helps to filter out some OCP-only APIs. DCI then generates the removed_api.csv file with the following fields:

- REQUESTCOUNT: The number of times that the API has been used by a workload.
- REMOVEDINRELEASE: The OCP release where the API will be removed.
- USERAGENTS: Reference to the application or workload that performed the API requests.
- USERNAMES: The Service Account or usernames used to perform the API requests.

Here you have an output for the example application which is containerized TRex:

    $ cat removed_api.csv

api Fig. 2. Soon-to-be-deprecated APIs in the CSV format.

Hopefully, this automatically generated information could help you manage and coordinate the upcoming APIs deprecation on OCP-4.12 and later.

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