Agent-Based Install on LibVirt
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A couple of years ago, we added support for installations using the on-premise assisted install (and even wrote a blog post on how to start a virtual lab). Around the same time the OCP developers added a much more streamlined install method to the install binary itself. It works mostly out of the box so we just had to get it integrated on our supported methods and works so well that it has replaced the old assisted on-premise installation method in the DCI OCP agent.

In this post we’ll be looking at how we can adjust to the Agent-Based installer method using the DCI OpenShift Agent, spoiler alert: very few things change


Going by the hardware requisites listed in our official documentation we can estimate the size of the server that will hold our virtualized environment, it will depend on how many nodes you want to have in your test lab:

  • Single Node OpenShift
  • Minimum 3-node OpenShift cluster
  • Split 3+3 node OpenShift cluster

For a cluster the size of each VM we need is 8 cores and 16G of RAM, while the SNO configuration requires a bigger VM (16 cores and 64G of RAM) to house the whole thing in a single node. For the purpose of this exercise we’ll pick the control-plane only cluster so it fits within a regular sized server

Regarding software, our main lab server (our “jumpbox” in DCI lingo) needs RHEL 8 with a valid subscription, EPEL and the DCI release/repositories

Setup DCI Lab

Once we have our basic RHEL 8 system installed, we can proceed with the rest of the setup. We've had a few posts before covering sort of the same process but it all boils down to:

  1. Follow the Virtual Lab Quickstart manually or
  2. Cheat and use the example ansible playbook

For the purposes of this blog post we're going to be lazy and go with the easy path (since I already did the work for you!)


Feel free to modify the provided example playbook to suit your needs! there should be a similar playbook in the DCI OCP Agent samples directory, maybe even more up to date

Let's examine the playbook piece by piece, the first block is where our variables are defined

 6   vars:
 7     rhsm_org_id: "{{ vault_rhsm_org_id }}"  # from
 8     rhsm_activation_key: "{{ vault_rhsm_activation_key }}"  # from
 9     dci_client_id: "{{ vault_dci_client_id }}"  # from
10     dci_api_secret: "{{ vault_dci_api_secret }}"  # from
11     dci_cs_url: ""
12     insights_tags: "{{ my_insights_tags }}"  # a dictionary
13     extra_rhel_repos:
14       - "codeready-builder-for-rhel-{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}-{{ ansible_architecture }}-rpms"
15       - ansible-2-for-rhel-{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}-{{ ansible_architecture }}-rpms
16     third_party_releases:
17       dci:
18         url: "{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}.noarch.rpm"
19         key:
20       epel:
21         url: "{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}.noarch.rpm"
22         key: "{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}"

A couple of things to note here:

  1. The RHSM information may not be needed, maybe you have your own way to ensure and subscribe your systems to RHSM. In my particular case I have these values stored in an ansible vault but your mileage may vary
  2. The DCI API client and secrets you should fetch from

Now the first part of the playbook is basic OS level setup, like subscribing to RHSM or enabling insights, no need to go too deep into those until line 56:

56         - name: Add extra repos
57           ansible.builtin.command:
58             cmd: subscription-manager repos --enable={{ item }}
59           changed_when: false
60           loop: "{{ extra_rhel_repos }}"

Here we enable some extra repositories as defined in the variables at the top. This bit is important because the DCI agent requires ansible <= 2.9.27 as of February 2025.

We also install the RPM signing keys and release packages for EPEL and DCI and then finally we install the appropriate version of ansible and lock its version to avoid accidentally upgrading in the future. We don't technically need to do this but I like to avoid possible headaches when/if I update the packages in my system.

84     - name: Install ansible packages
85       ansible.builtin.dnf:
86         name:
87           - dnf-plugin-versionlock
88           - ansible-2.9.27
89         state: present
90       when: not ansible_check_mode
92     - name: Lock ansible version
93       community.general.dnf_versionlock:
94         name: ansible
95         state: present
96       ignore_errors: "{{ ansible_check_mode }}"

We finally install the dci-openshift-agent package which actually has provisions in place to install the supported versions of every requirement as long as we have the correct repos configured.

After that there's a bit of extra setup that is added as a convenience: generating an SSH key pair for the dci-openshift-agent user and add it to the authorized_keys so you're able to talk to localhost. In this particular case our jumpbox is actually localhost, so we need to be able to SSH in back as our user.

104     - name: Create ~dci-openshift-agent/.ssh
105       ansible.builtin.file:
106         path: "{{ '~dci-openshift-agent/.ssh' | expanduser }}"
107         state: directory
108         mode: '0750'
109         owner: dci-openshift-agent
110         group: dci-openshift-agent
112     - name: Create SSH key
113       vars:
114         _type: rsa
115       community.crypto.openssh_keypair:
116         path: "{{ '~dci-openshift-agent' | expanduser }}/.ssh/id_{{ _type }}"
117         state: present
118         mode: '0600'
119         owner: dci-openshift-agent
120         group: dci-openshift-agent
121         type: "{{ _type }}"
122       register: keypair
123       ignore_errors: "{{ ansible_check_mode }}"
125     - name: Keyscan localhost
126       ansible.builtin.command: ssh-keyscan localhost
127       register: localhost_key
128       changed_when: false
130     - name: Copy localhost keys to known_hosts
131       ansible.builtin.copy:
132         dest: "{{ '~dci-openshift-agent/.ssh/known_hosts' | expanduser }}"
133         content: "{{ localhost_key.stdout }}"
134         mode: '0640'
135         owner: dci-openshift-agent
136         group: dci-openshift-agent
137       ignore_errors: "{{ ansible_check_mode }}"
139     - name: Add generated keypair to authorized_keys
140       ansible.builtin.lineinfile:
141         path: "{{ '~dci-openshift-agent/.ssh/authorized_keys' | expanduser }}"
142         line: "{{ keypair.public_key }}"
143         state: present
144         create: true
145         mode: '0640'

Finally, we create the Remote CI authentication file for the OCP agent in /etc/dci-openshift-agent/ and another one for DCI Pipeline in /etc/dci-pipeline/credentials.yml

150     - name: Create file
151       ansible.builtin.copy:
152         dest: /etc/dci-openshift-agent/
153         content: |
154           export DCI_CLIENT_ID={{ dci_client_id }}
155           export DCI_API_SECRET={{ dci_api_secret }}
156           export DCI_CS_URL={{ dci_cs_url }}
157         mode: '0644'
158         owner: dci-openshift-agent
159         group: dci-openshift-agent
161     - name: Create credentials file
162       ansible.builtin.copy:
163         dest: /etc/dci-pipeline/credentials.yml
164         content: |
165           ---
166           DCI_CLIENT_ID: {{ dci_client_id }}
167           DCI_API_SECRET: {{ dci_api_secret }}
168           DCI_CS_URL: {{ dci_cs_url }}
169         mode: '0644'

As you can see the example playbook follows the documentation step by step, and just does a few more things for convenience.

Here's a short screencast showing the playbook in action, depending on how many things you changed the output should be similar. Run it and after a few minutes you should have a general-purpose DCI jumpbox with the appropriate configuration to run the OCP agent.

Generating Ansible Inventory

In order to complete your lab is generating an inventory file that can control our VMs. Specifically for the ABI method there's an example installed as part of the OCP agent package. You'll need to excute a tiny playbook on your jumpbox (which should already have the package installed) as the dci-openshift-agent user. There's a samples/abi_on_libvirt/parse-template.yml playbook in the user's home: executing this playbook with the desired configuration will leave you with an ansible inventory that you can put in your /etc/dci-openshift-agent directory. Today we're setting up an inventory with a control-plane only configuration, so we execute the playbook like so:

$ whoami
$ cd samples/abi_on_libvirt
$ ansible-playbook --inventory dev/controlplane parse-template.yml


Feel free to explore the other inventories and adjust the resulting inventory to your liking, e.g. number/distribution of nodes, VM size, etc

Once you have a hosts file you can then copy it to /etc/dci-openshift-agent/hosts.

Installing Underlying VM Infrastructure

Since we're mimicing a real-world physical cluster (and accompanying provision infrastructure) in a single machine with virtual machines, we also need to mimimic the usual infrastructure that is needed when installing any openshift cluster, meaning NTP/DNS/HTTP servers

There is yet another example playbook and, again, there is probably a more up to date version in the OCP agent samples directory.

This playbook leverages quite a few roles from the excellent Red Hat CI OCP Ansible collection with just a tiny bit of extra logic on top.

Based on the inventory you created in the last step (and whatever adjustements you make) this playbook will:

  1. Install an HTTP store for you (container based)
  2. Install a local container registry (container based, optional)
  3. Setup and create a full libvirt environment
  4. Setup DNS records for your VMs
  5. Setup NTP server for your VMs
  6. Install the Sushy Tools emulator, to control your VMs with an RedFish-like interface

I'm not going too deep into this playbook because most of the work is done in the imported roles, suffice is to say that once you're happy with your /etc/dci-openshift-agent/hosts inventory you can then run this playbook like this:

$ ansible-playbook --inventory /etc/dci-openshift-agent/hosts vm-infrastructure.yml

And here's a short screen cast of what (roughly) this playbook should accomplish:


Please adjust both your inventory and/or playbook to your needs, most of the defaults are "fine" but may not suit your needs 100%

DCI Pipeline

The last step is to create and adjust your pipeline file, an agent-based install pipeline can be as simple as follows:

- name: my-openshift-abi
  stage: ocp
  ansible_playbook: /usr/share/dci-openshift-agent/dci-openshift-agent.yml
  ansible_cfg: /usr/share/dci-openshift-agent/ansible.cfg
  ansible_inventory: /etc/dci-openshift-agent/hosts
  dci_credentials: /etc/dci-pipeline/credentials.yml
  topic: OCP-4.17
    - ocp

And that's it, save that pipeline.yml wherever you like (since we're referencing absolute paths) and let it run:


The above screencast is sped up, the time for completion will vary depending on hardware factors


If you followed all the steps so far (and no bugs were found) at the end you should have a local lab with a Red Hat OpenShift (virtual) Cluster, you can now interact with this cluster just like any other OCP cluster and you can run both the DCI OpenShift and the OpenShift App agents on it, based on the exact same inventory.